About This Content Crush more monsters, get less loot, and discover all new ways to end up as bloody Triger Chow! Die of starvation, suffer crippling wounds, and watch your gear crumble into broken shards! Over 100 fine tuned difficulty options to challenge yourself, with new Leaderboards so you can dunk on your chump friends.No new powers, no new items, just determination, suffering, and defeat. Your only rewards are bragging rights and the ability to look yourself in the mirror with a renewed sense of purpose and stremf. Pay2Lose! Turn on new Survival and "realism" features then make them as brutal as you please. Share your settings with friends and compete in Weekly Trials! Make enemies healthier, have them hit harder, and give them unfair, broken powers. Tune difficulty for Champions, Ancient Kings, Bosses and Warlords. Gimp yourself! Poison all your potions, cap your stats, give yourself a Trick Knee. No bonus experience, no extra loot. Does not require a new Academy, and is compatible with Ironmans mode.Bragging RightsClear the game and your Brutality score is uploaded to the Leaderboards. Take the Weekly Challenge where everyone gets the same set of options and fights as hard as they can, putting their scores on the boards too.Speedrunners and CompetitorsSet hard caps on leveling and build custom drop restrictions. Share the rules with your friends and do battle with monsters, each other, and the RNG!Veteran PlayersMess with the rules, steel your will and return to dungeons deep. Try crazy builds hand-tuned to face down specific rules changes. Take that OP Rangermans who's been gathering dust and put him up against broken and unfair monsters!Get Back In The FightBeen a while? Then enjoy all the FREE updates to the Dungeonmans adventure delivered over the last three years: new masteries, the Psychomanser, class overhauls, 100+ new items, the Finite Dungeon, Fallen Castles, the Horseless Hollow, and Adventure Maps! If none of that sounds familiar, just go play Dungeonmans and buy the DLC later. 7aa9394dea Title: Dungeonmans - Pay2LoseGenre: Adventure, Indie, RPG, StrategyDeveloper:Adventurepro Games LLCRelease Date: 16 Jun, 2017 Dungeonmans - Pay2Lose Download Without Verification Oh God Jim Shepard who did this to you? Who hurt you while you were growing up to inact this revenge! Your base game can be considered hard! To some very hard. Jim your a Sadist! I love the concept of this mod! I had to buy this almost as a donation because I don't personally have to much of an inkling to actually use this mod. I played around with it sure. And I guess at some point I may challenge myself. But that's the point right. It's here when we have stompted the actually game all to death and have nothing left to do basically. This mod WILL beat anyone. In fact depending on the settings it does make the game 100% unwinnable and that's fine. In my opinion it can add lots of re-play value but to a certain degree it's a gimic and that's why I bought it! lol Try these out... This is the hardest setting I found in 20 minutes of hitting Random. Seed: ADD7FCECAnd here is everything maxed out! Seed: 67695ABDOn the max difficulity seed 67695ABD you WIN the game if your able to exit the academy. Because I tried three times and I die trapped in the VERY FIRST ROOM of the game! LOL LOL LOL! And if you want a slightly easier of a time play on the first seed I posted ADD7FCEC on this seed I think you win if you can kill a single enemy. lol This is fun and it's creative as well. I did not expect to see all these settings and fun options. Jim could have just made HP and other sliders but instead there are tons of random settings. I suggest mainly using this mod and playing with minor adjustments. It would be fun to press RANDOM and not look at anything and then start. I will make some use of this mod but ultimately this was a donation as base game is hard enough for me.. Feel like punishing yourself, Then this is the DLC for you!Jokes aside this has to be the widest range of ways to make your life hell I have ever seen in a game and I love it. That and the cheeky name of the DLC itself.. I bought this dlc, enabled everything and immediately lost.. I'll admit, I bought this purely to support this amazing game. It really is my favourite game since Castle of the Winds and the continued free updates which the dev releases makes buying DLC a good idea. I do wish we would get a paid expansion pack or similar, but either way. This pack does exactly what it says on the tin- it comes with a bunch of mutators which make your game harder. Unlike a lot of games which use this style of system, Pay2Lose does not seem as if it is able to be "gamed" to make the game easy. What you get from this purchase is an insane level of customisation options all aimed squarely towards advancing your untimely death.. You're getting what you pay for with this DLC. Dozens and dozens of ways to make Dungeonmans a more challenging experience.I have to give the DLC major props for not just going to road of number bloat. While you can modify monster stats (as well as just about every numerical mechanic in the game) by X% if you so desire, also present are a multitude of ways to add additional mechanics to the game to make things more challenging. Weapon breakage, armor destruction, starvation, fatigue, enemies that explode on death and more are present as unique mechanics whose sole purpose is to make your life miserable.All of the above modifiers stack to provide a Brutality\u2122 score that ties in to new leaderboards that were provided for the DLC specifically in addition to those recently added to the base game. Weekly Pay2Lose runs are also featured with the DLC, for those who like to compete on a large scale against other players for the highest score.If you're looking to make Dungeonmans harder, this serves that purpose excellently.. It adds all the difficulty sliders you could ask for! Now, of course, you could set them all to ridiculously hard and be done with it, but I'm happy to add some minor tweaks here and there - add the need for food, the wounds mechanic, equipment breaking - and it adds more flavor to the game while still keeping it managable for me.Just - wow, so many options! If you like Dungeonmans, this adds a whole slew of neat things you can tinker with. Good value for 5$!. As I expected from having watched this be developed, I loved it. For the experienced player of Dungeonmans, it offers an amazing new array of challenges. Both custom-tuned so you can try out the exact difficulty you want, and random weekly leaderboard challenges. And for $5? This is a fantastic deal. Please pick it up if you enjoy the main game!If you haven't tried Dungeonmans yet, grab the main game (I suggest Champion edition, so you get the soundtrack with it), and see what you think.
Dungeonmans - Pay2Lose Download Without Verification
Updated: Mar 18, 2020